Parenting Tips: Setting Healthy and Safe Boundaries


“I taught Sunday Schools for years, and what I realized was that my babies couldn’t read, they didn’t know what to do after they graduated, and they had lots of hurdles,” explains Danella Hicks. 

This realization inspired her more than 15 years ago to start All THAT - Teens Hopeful About Tomorrow - a nonprofit dedicated to mentoring, encouraging, and supporting young people so they can succeed in school and in life. 

Ms. Hicks knows all too well the odds stacked against her youth, noting that without this program, “our teens would probably end up either in the cemetery or jail.” 

She mixes love and compassion with a dose of rules and expectations about commitment, attendance, and attitude, even insisting on a “no cell phone zone” when teens are engaged in programming. Teens are paid a bi-weekly stipend if they actively engage and show a positive attitude.

Franklin County Children Services helps support All THAT with funding for staff salaries, bus passes for students and special field trips to places like COSI or the downtown Columbus Metropolitan Library.

Ms. Hicks says her recipe for strong kids calls for parents to be clear and enforce rules for teens at home and even more so when they’re outside the house. “It’s really hard when they leave,” she explains, urging parents “not to let go.”  

She stresses the importance of preparing teens for life, teaching practical life skills like budgeting, grocery shopping and healthy eating. 

This also means preparing for a career, knowing how to interview, complete an application or write a resume, as well as exploring career options through new workplaces and experiences. Her program exposes teens to seven hands-on career track experiences.

Hicks also remembers that kids need to have fun, and recommends family activities like ping pong, bowling, painting, or ice skating. She points out that parents need to slow down and dedicate time to their kids.

“It may not seem like they’re listening, but they are.”

Strengthening All Families

Strong families are the first foundation to keeping children safer. Franklin County Children Services is collaborating with several of our community partners - long with NBC4 and Urban one - to provide families with tips, tools, and strategies that can be used at home. 

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