FCCS Celebrates Stronger Families, Supportive Communities during National Family Week

Celebrating how families do better when they live in communities that are committed to helping them succeed, Franklin County Children Services recognized the annual National Family Week by honoring several families and community partners.

“Strong families are the first foundation to protecting children, and tonight we will hear powerful stories of how families have become stronger than ever,” offered FCCS Executive Director Chip Spinning, echoing the agency’s Call to Action of strengthening all families.

“We believe that any family in Franklin County - no matter the family’s size, income, neighborhood, background, and diversity - should have access to the supports and resources parents need so they avoid concerns that might force them into the child welfare system,” added Executive Director Spinning..

“That’s why we also celebrate tonight the organizations and community partners and volunteers who stand with us in this mission to relentlessly advocate for all families,” he added.

Through the Family-to-Family Program, FCCS engages local settlement houses to offer services to families who need support and direction. St. Stephen’s Community House, Gladden Community House, and Central Community House provide case management for families and engage organizations within their communities to offer everything from financial literacy courses to rental assistance, job placement, furniture, and more. 

National Family Week is an annual celebration observed during the week of Thanksgiving to celebrate the families who are doing better because they found support and caring in their own communities to help them succeed. 

During this year’s celebration, Tiffany Weathersby and LaQuan Harris were named Family of the Year by staff at St. Stephens Community House Far East. 

In his nomination, caseworker Derrick Womack wrote of the Weathersby-Harris family: “Two of this family’s characteristics that stand out to me are optimism and resilience.” 

He noted how they both had become a welcome fixture at Family-to-Family classes, happy to share their journey with others during parenting groups and other activities. 

Ms. Weatherby gushes about the St. Stephen’s staff and the support their family of five children received. “They’ve been a blessing to us.” 

“Not only have we gotten a lot of resources, but we’ve also learned how to do things differently. I see a difference in my kids, and Quan and I communicate better,” she added

The settlement houses also recognized Brandon Cornute, Tatyana Titenok, Makayla Sullivan, Cynthia Quinones, Jacob Blanton Sr., and their families. 

Community Partners of the Year were also celebrated, acknowledging the contributions of Help Me Grow Outreach Specialist Kimberly Bridges, Community Mediation Home Stability Specialist Marcus Salter, PNC Bank’s financial literacy courses, and Joseph’s Coat of Central Ohio. 

Joseph’s Coat Operations Manager Cheri Hoffman said: “There’s nothing better than knowing that you’ve done something for someone and made a difference in their life when they had nowhere else to turn.”

The volunteer-run, faith-based ministry offers clothing, furniture, and household goods to families free of charge. Gladden Community House staff often have families who are leaving homeless shelters and lack adequate clothing and other essentials. 

“Every week should be a celebration of family,” closed out Executive Director Spinning, “because when we come together as a community to help all of our families stay stronger for longer, then I know all of our children are safer and more protected.”


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