Parenting Tips: Cyberbullying, Sextortion Real Dangers for Teens

CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE TIPS FROM CHRIS VINEIS AT UNITE FOR SAFE SOCIAL MEDIA Social media platforms can lead to positive connections and learning experiences for young people. But, as pointed out by CEO and founder of Unite for Safe Social Media Chris Vineis, parents need to monitor and set rules for how often, how long, and where teens go online. And most important, don't dismiss the dangers of cyberbullying and sextortion by thinking they can't happen to your teen. Both are very real. Jon Haidt, author of The Anxious Generation says teens spend an average of 6-8 hours on screen-based leisure activities, with at least five hours a day on their favorite social media sites. Other studies suggest it's closer to seven. With that in mind, there’s little doubt that adolescents are more preoccupied with TikTok and YouTube than homework, as Gallup found in a survey last year. “This type of obsessive behavior increases risks for depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm and eve...