FCCS Families see Olympian Simone Biles, Honor Gymnast's Ties to Agency and Advocacy for Adoption

Adding to November’s National Adoption Month recognition - and celebrating the unique connection between gymnastics great Simone Biles and Franklin County Children Services - 11 agency-involved families who are on a similar adoption and kinship care pathway as the 11-time Olympic medal winner headed to Cincinnati to see her perform, thanks to a special invitation from FCCS and the Gold Over America Tour.


As the world watched Simone Biles summersault to gold in the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, five-year-old Rikki did cartwheels in her living room in front of her siblings… and likely never realized how much in common her family had with the 11-time Olympic medalist, 30-time World Championship medalist, and most decorated gymnast in history.

A passionate advocate for kids involved in the child welfare system, Ms. Biles often shares her personal journey in foster care in the Columbus area, her kinship placement with relatives, and her eventual adoption, all managed through the efforts of caseworkers here at FCCS. 

As the world spotlight has shined on her athleticism - rightfully naming her the Greatest of All Time (GOAT) in gymnastics - Ms. Biles has also been very vocal about the importance that adoption played in her life. She is a champion for young people in foster care.

“I actually was a foster kid, so I know some of the hardships those kids go through,” she said in a recent CNN interview. “You can still dream big and do amazing things.”

“If not for my parents and adoption, I wouldn’t be here today,” she shared shortly after winning three gold medals and one silver at the Paris Games.

In celebration of Ms. Biles’ ties to FCCS and her powerful message of perseverance and inspiration, the agency invited 11 families, including Riki’s, to attend the US Gymnastics team’s Gold Over America Tour stop in Cincinnati.

The pop concert-style event showcased the tumbles, twists, and gravity-defying athletic brilliance - along with an inspirational message of hope, strength, resilience, and determination that led to championship journeys - of Ms. Biles and teammates including Jade Carey, Jordan Chiles, Paul Juda, Brody Malone, and Fred Richard.

“They got to be inspired by the best of the best young athletes,” said Jenny Miller, who adopted Rikki and her siblings. 

The Miller kids are involved in cheer groups, so they paid careful attention to the techniques they saw. “With dedication and practice, at some point they will be able to do those exact tumbling techniques,” she said.  

When tour managers heard about the FCCS trip and the connection to Ms. Biles, they invited the families to a deluxe behind-the-scenes VIP experience, which included a special “Chalk Talk” session with several of the Olympic athletes sharing their experiences and answering questions.

In addition to families like the Millers who were brought together through adoption, the FCCS trip also included families working toward permanency through kinship placement similar to Ms. Biles’ journey. Mentor-mentee pairs from our Malaika Mentoring Program also joined, along with a mom who was once in FCCS care as a youth who was able to take the trip with her own young daughter.

“It was an amazing opportunity for our kiddos,” added Ms. Miller as she thought about the gift of inspiration received by all of the children who attended the trip.

“It was an honor for us to be there because not everyone is going to have this experience.”

November is National Adoption Month. Each year, FCCS finalizes the adoptions of approximately 125 children from foster care. Over the past year, almost 200 additional children found their forever homes through permanent placement with family relatives - grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, or adult siblings - or close family friends. 

Learn more about the young people in foster care who are awaiting adoption here in Franklin County - and more about how families become adoptive parents - on the FCCS website at fccs.us/adoption.


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