Former FCCS Youth Protects Her Country, Fights for Future Foster Teens

For Private Second-Class Cynthia Louis Charles, this was no ordinary care package. In addition to a brand new pair of shoes, cleaning supplies, plus hair care and beauty products, the box included a framed photo of the Franklin County Children Services Youth Advisory Board (YAB) and a special message from FCCS staff and volunteers rooting for her success.

A former foster youth, Cynthia now serves in the U.S. Army Reserve Command and is studying at Columbus State Community College to become a dental hygienist.

She’s also a current member and past president of YAB and recipient of the 2022 FCCS Jack Donahue College scholarship.

Her desire to be self-sufficient led Cynthia to join the military. A native of Haiti, her enlistment in the armed forces expedited her journey to becoming a U.S. citizen and offered financial stability, including additional funding for college.

However, being in the Army Reserve Command has given Cynthia more than just security. She says it’s given her a foundation for taking on future responsibilities: “During training, I learned how to be disciplined and work as part of a team.”

As part of her seven-year contract, Cynthia is required to report for duty once a month and balance her service with classes and a part-time job at a campus cafe. She just recently reported back for more training in August and will join her new reserve unit in September. 

Cynthia recently moved into Columbus State’s Scholar House, where former foster youth have their own apartments and receive support from dedicated staff. She’s eager for the responsibility to take care of a place all hers. “I even have a washing machine.” 

Her next goal is to begin working with the Ohio Department of Job & Family Services Bridges program which provides “guidance and support as [foster youth] transition into adulthood.” 

Cynthia is hoping this resource will help her navigate the challenges of the future. “I’m so still young, and I just want adult advice on stuff because I may have issues that I need to handle,” she said.

While Cynthia remains busy, she makes time to advocate for youth who are still in foster care because she’s grateful for those who helped her while she was in care.

Looking on her list for lobbying, Cynthia will join YAB members in advocating for Ohio House Bill 164, which aims to establish a foster-to-college scholarship program.

“I’m really looking forward to what’s going to happen in the future because of what YAB is doing now,” she said.


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