Improved, Expanded FCCS Resource Guide Aims to Strengthen All Families

The popular FCCS Community Resource Guide, a helpful reference book of community partners ready to help strengthen all families in Central Ohio, has been redesigned for 2024 to be more user-friendly… and it’s now available online and in print. 

The Resource Guide features 17 different sections of supports, ranging from hospitals and health centers to clothing and childcare assistance. And nearly all of the services are available to any family in Franklin County, no matter their size, income, neighborhood, background, or diversity.

FCCS also added two new sections, including the agency’s first-ever LGBTQ+ support section to provide resources for our SOGIE diverse youth and families. SOGIE stands for “Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression.”

Another new section highlights useful services from the City of Columbus and Franklin County government agencies. 

“We took this incredible book and made it even better this year,” said Bruce Cadwallader, a member of the FCCS Communications & Community Outreach team. “We want to make it even easier for the public and our clients to find the resources they need for their family.”

This year’s printed Resource Guide is spiral bound to make it easier to mark and share specific pages. And the sections inside are color-coded by category.

The online version has linkable tabs so readers can quickly find and access information that matches their real needs, instead of having to flip through a bunch of virtual pages. 

And every link in the guide is “clickable” so viewers can immediately go to an organization’s website to learn more or apply for help. 

With more pictures of FCCS staff and stakeholders, the colorful cover features photos from the agency’s summer FamJam event at Goodale Park. 

The online guide can be found at 2024 FCCS Resource Guide.

Printed versions are available at all FCCS buildings. Copies have also been shared with several of community partners and will be handed out by FCCS representatives at several community events this Summer.


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