Featured Parenting Tip: Talking to Your Teens

As parent, writer, and co-founder of a website on parenting teens and tweens Whitney Fleming writes, “the only thing I know for certain about raising teenagers is I have no idea what I’m doing.” Even knowing how to talk to your teen can be a challenge. That’s why we asked Don Heard to share his thoughts. A parent to four, Don has devoted his forty-year career to working with youth, including the last two decades at the YMCA of Central Ohio. He offers straight talk tempered by hard experience. It starts with a willingness to confront tough conversations, but to do so lovingly and respectfully. He suggests finding neutral locations for these conversations. Most important, set and model ground rules for positive ways to engage. Avoid yelling, threats, or other behavior that create more distance. Build bridges. Remember that kids may not listen to what we say but they always mimic what we do. Don also tells us that we shouldn’t wait until a crisis or issue arises to learn how to...