FCCS Welcomes New Members, Community Advocates to Children Services Board

Two lifelong Central Ohio community leaders - both committed to advocating for children and families - have joined the Franklin County Children Services Board.

Jamie Shumaker and Napoleon Bell were appointed by the Franklin County Commissioners to fill out the 11-member volunteer board which governs the agency. 

Ms. Shumaker, a political liaison and Executive Director of the Central Ohio Labor Council, AFL-CIO, said this was an easy choice for her when she was approached.

“Children are always the thing for me,” she said. “I’ve worked on WIC (Women, Infants and Children) issues for 19 years, and I once ran for school board. I believe in making everything better for children and neighborhoods.”

At the AFL-CIO post, she helps labor unions build collaborative relationships with government and community leaders. Previously, she served as the President for AFSCME Local 2191, as a Code of Conduct Compliance Designee with the Central Ohio Labor Council, as a Secretary-Treasurer of the Central Ohio ALF. 

She has also led in roles at the City of Columbus Public Health Department, including her service as a Dietician Technician, when she worked on issues of food security and assistance, infant and maternal health, and access to public benefits.

Ms. Shumaker also helps with Christmas Cares Union Shares, a program that feeds thousands of families across Central Ohio during the holidays. She also volunteers with her children's athletic and high school band boosters clubs, her church, and the 4H club. She is a Board Member of the Central Ohio Worker Center.

She believes strongly in giving back to her community and advocating for the most in need. When she's not working and volunteering, she can be found spending time with her friends and family in Galloway.

Mr. Bell is presently Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas and formerly served in uniform as a police officer and deputy sheriff.

“I believe my previous experience and beliefs in the safety and well-being of young people gives me an opportunity to continue that work here,” Mr. Bell said. “I feel very strongly about the family unit.”

As a police officer, Mr. Bell dedicated himself to protecting and serving the community for more than 12 years. He used his training in mediation skills and active community engagement at the Strategic Response Bureau, where he served as a Community Liaison Officer. He received the Silver Cross Medal for Heroism. 

In 2005, he served as the Deputy Director for the City of Columbus Community Relations Commission, and in 2009, he was appointed to lead the commission, where he oversaw enforcement of the city’s Civil Rights Code in housing, employment, and public accommodations.

Mr. Bell joined the Franklin County Sheriff's Office as the Community Outreach and Engagement Manager in 2017. He was later promoted to Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to facilitate a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace where all employees and volunteers feel valued and respected.

“I think FCCS will be a great place to serve and will help me round out my career in law enforcement and now the court system,” Bell said. “It gives me a 360-degree perspective.”

The Franklin County Children Services Board provides leadership, experience, commitment, and expertise to ensure that the agency is financially responsible and maintains effective programs. The Board establishes policy for the agency and directly hires the executive director, who is responsible for agency operations.

To find a full list of current Children Service Board members, visit the FCCS Leadership section of our website. 


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