Elves of Holiday Wish Lead the Charge

For more than 60 years, the Central Ohio community has been granting the wishes of children served by Franklin County Children Services through our Holiday Wish Program. But there would be no wishes to grant without the work of our loyal “elves” who come back each year to keep the program organized and running.

Led by Head Elf Frieda McKarn, the temporary staff of five marched into the agency in mid-October to begin the process of collecting and matching wish lists, arranging pickups, sorting toys, and labeling gift tags. The work isn’t done until mid-January after they’ve helped put smiles on the faces of thousands of children in FCCS care. 

Ms. McKarn retired after working with Children Services for more than 38 years, most recently as a kinship supervisor. She returned soon after, recalling the joy on the faces of families when children received gifts from Holiday Wish. She’s been with the program for eight years.

Paula Kuzelka, who worked in the FCCS Fiscal Department for 33 years, eagerly joined Holiday Wish in 2018. “I believe in what Holiday Wish stands for: giving kids a wonderful holiday.” 

Another long-time agency veteran, Elaine Burke worked as part of the kinship team for ten years before joining Holiday Wish five years ago. She enjoys the chaos and excitement of the Holiday Wish workshop: “I love the people and I love working here.”

The newest member of the team is Tanya Palmer, a former FCCS caseworker who recalls enjoying this time of year while she was in her previous role. “I loved seeing the donors who were excited about bringing gifts for children.” 

Volunteers are also vital to the success of Holiday Wish. For several years, Lynn Johnson took time off from her corporate job to spend days with Holiday Wish. She even received the agency’s Community Advocate Award in 2020 for the work she did gathering and organizing donations. 

Ms. Johnson is happy to now be an official member of the team: “I come back every year because it makes my heart feel good, knowing children receive gifts.” 

You can join in making the holidays special for children served by FCCS. Sponsor a child, make a cash donation, drop off any new toy, or shop our Holiday Wish and Black Girl Magic Amazon Gift list. 

Visit fccs.us/holiday-wish to learn more.


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