National Adoption Day Celebrates "Forever" Family Connections

While they have essentially been a family for years now, Vanessa McNeal and daughters Summer and Megan are going to make it official this November as part of National Adoption Day. 

Recognizing that children never outgrow the need for family and a permanent sense of belonging, Franklin County Children Services - along with the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption and the Franklin County Probate Court, will honor National Adoption Day on Wednesday, November 8, by celebrating the finalization of adoptions of seven children from foster care.

As a longtime foster parent for Buckeye Ranch, McNeal - better known as “Mama V” - has welcomed dozens of children into her southeast Columbus home throughout the years. This retired preschool teacher has always been passionate about helping children, so becoming a foster parent in 2008 made perfect sense. 

“It’s my purpose in life,” McNeal says.

Summer, 10, and Megan, 15, have known Mama V for years and are both overjoyed to officially become her daughters. 

Summer, an energetic and chatty fourth grader, has lived with McNeal since she was 5 and clearly adores her. “She’s really nice and she’s always there for me whenever I need her,” Summer says. 

Megan, a soft-spoken high school sophomore who wants to eventually attend Ohio State and become a registered nurse, says she appreciates that Mama V will always be looking out for her. “She wants to see me do the best and whenever I need to talk about my problems or vent, she’s always there to listen,” Megan says. 

As for McNeal, she is grateful that Summer and Megan will always be part of her family - her two “forever” daughters.  

“I just love those girls,” she says. “I want to see them get the best they can get out of life. I’m here to coach and guide them through, and to be their support and their friend. They can come and talk to me always, any time.”

Thinking about adoption?

The FCCS Adoption Team has made it easier for families to virtually meet some of the children seeking a permanent home. Profiles of the teens approved for adoption here in Franklin County - and more information for families who want to consider becoming adoptive parents - can be found on the FCCS website at


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