Franklin County Glows Blue, Raises Awareness, Spotlights Partnerships for Child Abuse Prevention Month

From buildings and bridges glowing blue to powerful messages about coming together as a community to support families, Child Abuse Prevention Month in Franklin County featured several impactful efforts that raised awareness and showcased Franklin County Children Services and its community partnerships to keep children safer from abuse and neglect. This year, the agency embraced the theme “Building A Hopeful Future Together” from our partners at Prevent Child Abuse America, spreading the message of creating nurturing and supportive environments for all families. 2024 Child Abuse Prevention Breakfast A highlight of Child Abuse Prevention Month, the annual Child Abuse Prevention Breakfast attracted nearly 300 guests to Mitchell Hall on the Columbus State campus. With opening remarks by Executive Director Chip Spinning outlining the agency’s new Call to Action, keynote speaker Dr. Amy Acton - former Ohio Dept. of Health Director and recognized community leader - shared a powerful mess...