Making the Grade, FCCS Partnership Keeps Teens in School, on Track to Graduation

With tutoring and educational supports specifically designed to help young people in a foster or kinship situation - and for youth simply connected to the child welfare system because of struggles with their parents - Franklin County Children Services is helping to prevent young learners from missing school or sliding in grades during transitions in their home placement. Called the Educational Partnership for Social Emotional and Academics (EPSEA), FCCS works with the Education Service Center of Central Ohio to provide hands-on counseling and resources to children and teenagers in the agency’s care. And with a priority from FCCS on protecting the “whole” child - body, mind, and heart - this partnership on education is reversing past trends that show how foster youth typically struggle with school and often fail to reach graduation due to the social and emotional needs they often have, said Erica James, the EPSEA coordinator. “EPSEA provided a real shift of focus on the social, emotiona...